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admin tester

Admin account for testing purposes

Submitted by admintester on Mon, 11/11/2019 - 17:50

ChemDraw is the most common program used by individuals to draw chemical structures, glassware, and biological entities for inclusion in documents and presentations.  Drawings can be copied and pasted into Word and PowerPoint on the PC and are editable from within the document, provided you are using a computer that has ChemDraw installed.  On the Mac, ChemDraw entities are converted to image form when inserted and should therefore be saved separately for editing purposes.  It is also possible to launch a SciFinder or a Reaxys search from within newer versions of ChemDraw.  ChemDraw is available on the computers in the Chemistry Library Computer Lab.

Technology category
Tools logo (if available)
ChemDraw logo
Available on Libraries computers
Trial period free
Must be purchased
Library provided software group