Complete Canvassing Outfit

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Complete Canvassing Outfit

Ingram Cobbin
The People's Companion to the Bible
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
The People's Companion to the Bible Canvassing Outfit Loose Material
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"The Unprecedented Success of the 'People's Companion to the Bible"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
William C. Wilkinson
"A Good Word for Book Agents"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"How to Sell Books."
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"How to Make Canvassing a Success,"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"Making Work Agreeable"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
John C. Winston
"Rules For Ordering Books"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
The People's Companion to the Bible Canvassing Outfit Loose Material
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
The Agent's Weekly Report Form
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"Certificate of Agreement"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
"We Pay Freight and More Besides"
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
The People's Companion to the Bible Presentation Plate
Philadelphia, Chicago, and Kansas City: John C. Winston, 1890
illustrated cover for The People's Companion to the Bible depicting the israelites with the arc of the covenant
an advert featuring a black and white illustration of Bible Companion book
 a broadside advertisement for People's Companion to the Bible, seeking agents (on blue paper)
pamphlet entitled A Good Word for Book Agents," by William C. Wilkinson, text only
"How to Sell Books." Pamphlet, all text
a circular of 10 pointers to agents, all text
a circular to inspire agents, all text
"Rules For Ordering Books" all text
A form seeking prospective book agents (on yellow paper)
a form for submitting an Agent's Weekly Report of sales data
purchaser certificate of agreement form to remind them of obligation
an advertisement aimed at agents. all text
illustration of ruins in the holy land as a present that also acts as an advertisements for the book's illustrations