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Our 2020-2025 strategic plan aligns our work with the Penn Compact 2022 pillars of Inclusion, Innovation, and Impact and the University’s goal of advancing knowledge for good.

Through engagement efforts beginning in spring 2019, we have actively met as a staff, and gathered and synthesized information and feedback from across the Libraries and the Penn community. This collective journey led the Libraries to think strategically about such concepts as cultivating knowledge, inspiring inquiry, engaging communities of researchers and learners, and empowering people.

As an organization, we recognize that our success depends on investment in building technical, structural, and human capacity for the changing landscape of Penn and academic libraries. Together, we will construct a unifed approach to library services. We will continue to develop an adaptive workforce with skills for the 21st-century library through recruitment and professional development opportunities. We will foster organizational learning and a culture of mutual respect and professional regard.

Our strategic priorities provide the compass for navigating our future. They are supported by an ongoing investment in building the organization’s capacity and learning, and informed by a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. The priorities are also steeped in values identified by Penn Libraries staff.