Kabbalistic Abridgments to the Pardes Rimonim: The Evolution of a Text

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Kabbalistic Abridgments to the Pardes Rimonim: The Evolution of a Text

Moses Cordovero
Pardes Rimonim
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot, Folio 39b
Krakow, 1592
Edited using the work of R. Samuel Gallico with the marginal notes of R. Mordechai Dato
Assis Rimonim
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot, Folio 23a
Venice, 1601
R. Yissachar Baer ben Petahyah Moshe
Pithei Yah
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot, Folio 14b
Prague, 1609
R. Yissachar Baer ben Petahyah Moshe
Pithei Yah
Title page
Prague, 1609
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot
Credit: HebrewBooks.org (Facsimile)
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot, Folio 23a
Credit: HebrewBooks.org (Facsimile)
Diagram representing the ten Sefirot, Folio 14b
Credit: Scholem Library in the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem
Title page of the 1609 edition
Credit: Scholem Library in the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem