The Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair Distinguished Lecture Series

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In 2002, Dr. Lorraine Beitler donated a collection of over 1,000 items documenting the history of the Alfred Dreyfus affair and its impact on the art, society, and politics of France and the modern world.

A few years later, Dr. Beitler and her husband, Martin, established the Lorraine Beitler Lecture Fund to serve as a catalyst for the examination of the issues of prejudice and intolerance. The first lecture was held in 2007, and lectures have been presented on an annual or semi-annual basis since then.

Current and past lectures include:

Side image
Vive la republique! A bas les traitres!
Composite image of type from broadside Dreyfus est innocent (France, 1898), Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair, Kislak Center