Program Partners

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The Weigle Information Commons' Program Partners collaborate to provide key student assistance services. The WIC Program Partners Group meets monthly and includes representatives from Career Services, the Center for Teaching and Learning, Communication Within the Curriculum (CWiC), Council for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF), Penn Libraries, SAS College Office, SAS Computing, Weingarten Learning Resources Center and the Marks Family Writing Center. WIC collaborates regularly with camra on new media literacies.

The Education Commons hosts programs from the organizations above as well as the Tutoring Center and tutoring services from individual departments.

Communication Within the Curriculum (CWiC)

Communication Within the Curriculum (CWiC) Speaking Center provides walk-in assistance and workshops on with public speaking, communication and presentation skills.

Marks Family Writing Center

The Marks Family Writing Center provides workshops and assistance by appointment on writing for different audiences and purposes.

Career Services

Career Services, a department of the Vice Provost for University Life Division, helps Penn students, alumni and post-doctoral trainees define and achieve their career goals through counseling, programs and other resources.

Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF)

CURF helps Penn undergraduates pursue independent research through personal research consultations and administration of competitive research grants.

SAS Computing

SAS Computing supports the effective use of information technology by faculty, students and staff of the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

College of Arts & Sciences

The College Office is the home base for undergraduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Let's talk: The Counseling and Psychological Services Center (CAPS)

CAPS provides an easy access to informal consultations at different locations around campus for undergraduate and graduate UPenn students. or call 215-898-7021.

Drop in hours at the Weigle Information Commons, room 123:

  • Wednesdays: 11-2:30 pm
  • Thursdays: 2-5:30 pm