Canvas & reserves - for faculty

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Library services

The Library will place electronic reserves (and information about physical reserves) in your Canvas site under the "Penn Libraries Course Reserve" section.

Reserve staff will scan journal articles and book excerpts, link to licensed e-resources and provide streaming video content to support teaching and learning. These resources will be made available to faculty and students under the "Penn Libraries Course Reserve" section of a Canvas course site.
(Faculty also may continue to use the Library's traditional reserve services for printed books and personal copies.)

Librarians will also provide additional support for Canvas courses, such as links to key databases, tutorials on particular research tasks, or course guides that list major reference tools and primary source collections.

To learn how to place requests for electronic (or physical) reserves. Please see Reserves - for faculty (Reserve request procedures).

Setting up course reserves in Canvas

To request a Canvas site use the Course Request Form. In your request, check the box for "Reserves" under "Library Services".

To enable Course Reserves in an existing Canvas site, please see these instructions.


Please read the Library's statement on Copyright and Course Reserves

Questions or concerns about reserves and further assistance

If you have additional questions or concerns, please ask the Reserve staff contacts at your Library.

Contact your Library Subject Specialist if you would like to discuss any additional service or support that the Library could provide.