The reception of Raymond Martí's Pugio fidei in the Thirteenth and Foureenth Centuries

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The Catalan Dominican Ramon Martí is generally considered to be the first Christian Hebraist. In his most famous work, the Pugio Fidei or Dagger of Faith, written around 1280, he made abundant use of Jewish post-biblical literature in order to prove his claim that the Messiah had already come. Thus, he drew heavily on the Talmud and the Midrashim, which are quoted both in the Hebrew original as well as in Latin translation. The Library of the Katz Center owns the editio princeps of this seminal work, published by Joseph De Voisin in 1651 in Paris.

Short name for this entry
Pugio fidei

Title to display

The reception of Raymond Martí's Pugio fidei in the Thirteenth and Foureenth Centuries

Order on exhibit page
Author of introduction