"Memorial der Tugend" by Johann von Schwarzenberg

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This exquisitely crafted pen drawing comes from an early 16th century volume depicting edifying morality tales through episodes from the Bible and antique and medieval times. Here a peasant asks a Jew to lend him money against a pawn, inquiring about the interest, which by the Jew's own admission turns out to be horrendous. The bottom caption tells the moral of the story, with a clear invitation to the nobility to get rid of the Jewish plague, if need be by violence. It echoes a sentiment shared by many of this period, for instance the religious reformer Martin Luther:

"Whoever does wrong carries the same burden of guilt. Ill-begotten usurious gain is seldom inherited. Pay attention to this, you lords who hold Jews and enjoy the profit, or otherwise use your spear."

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Memorial der Tugend

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"Memorial der Tugend" by Johann von Schwarzenberg

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