Touchstones of Authenticity

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Handwritten cookery books are unparalleled documents of real use that describe how ingredients and techniques change over time. For Chef Fritz, these manuscripts and older printed books often provide a foundation for building modern recipes. His rendition of an 18th-century recipe for seed cake strewn with caraway seeds is based on a number of sources, some of which use candied seeds known as comfits.

p 144-145 from The Complete Confectioner
Glasse, Hannah.
The Complete Confectioner; or, the Whole Art of Confectionery Made Plain and Easy.
London: Printed for J. Cooke, c. 1747.

The above copy of one of England’s best historical pastry books, The Complete Confectioner, is one of a dozen titles in Blank’s library that once belonged to American cookbook author and teacher James Beard.

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Touchstones of Authenticity

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